

News for January 9th and 10th (together with presentation of Peter) have been added. Photos are attached also. Today, January 12th, we arrived to Asyut safe and sound, although we actually didn't want at all to come here. Police is waiting for us outside to take us to the their headquarters, so the news about the day of today and about everything that was happening comes to the web tomorrow. Insha'allah.

Yesterday we woke up early and after two hours the car was already completely stuck in soft sand. It was serious this me. 30 kilometres from the last road, soft sand. Partner managed to climb a dune but not to descend it. As I tried to get off it on the other side it just got stuck and completely dug in after less than two metres. It didn't show any readiness to negotiate at all! If it was 3 p.m. and if I was alone (remembers me immensely of the news as of December 1st) I would be extremely nervous. But in given circumstances we only laughed, took our shovels, took off the sand plates and other necessary equipment and started to dig.

"Are you happy?" "I'm happy!" Here everybody's happy. When I was being too much burden for the camel on New Year's Eve and it made me fly off, "Camel was just happy", as the camel herder explained to me. If everybody's honking all the time, if they light you from two kilometers away on an open road, they do it simply because they're "happy"! So we're happy too to save two Slovene taxpayers' souls. "Sloly sloly" we got the Partner out of sand bonds and when I took it to a safe place I heard a scream of relief and joy from Peter's throat. The crow that was nearby waiting for our sad end probably coursed and flew away.

After a fine lunch behind the rescued vehicle we took some sunbath on sand beach a few hundreds of kilometres from the sea. We came up with a new idea and a new sport was born: Sandscrewing.

Be shamed all of you who first thought of some nasty things. Let me enlighten you: Rolling in the sand should be executed as follows: 1. Take off all the unnecessary clothes, 2. Climb a dune, 3. Calm down your excited breathing, 4. Lay in the dun edge and take a deep breath, 5. Horizontally leveled overturn to one side, 6. ??? 7. On the base of the dune spit out the sand and, while hysterically laughing, free your pants from sand.