

Peter's migraine passed last night; maybe the wet air that pushed him from a romantic spot under the stars, to me inside the Ebrspaecher heated car early in the morning, helped him. The night was ass from a fairy-tale, but we haven't enogh place to describe it in detail here. Come to the Great Jamahiriya by yourself!

We visited the tiny town of Ghadames in the morning. Libyans call it the jewel f the South, although it's actually in the west of the country. The town is just fabulous!!! You can see some pictures on the Tourist-Information pages of the Aple-Adria Media Marketing,

Peter and I split today's 850 kilometres work for the first time so he made the 370 morning kilometres and I was traveling for the first time on the rear seat of my Partner and, even though it was hard for me to let someone else drive it, I found out there is enough place for a small ballroom there so I organized my mobile office there in a moment.

As you're making kilometres and kilometres on a straight road and you cross with only four vehicles in three hours, you're feeding yourself with Kitkat and Pepsi, while CDs have been listened innumerous times already. Mandarins are heading to the mouth, you're putting your feet on the dashboard, left door, you sit like a Turk (the cruise control is saving my life!), new ideas are being born inside your head, ventilation is on max, as well as boringness.

Hakeem is great! We can drive at night, we can freely move around, he's funny and flexible, and he knows a hell lot! We had a bitza for lunch and drank Bibsi with it since this is almost all they have to drink. Oops, the morning cappuccino in a Juventus cup, of course! Biter and Hakeem ("Wiseman" in Arabic) were chasing flies off the "bitza" while I was quite successfully sending them to the happy hunting grounds. I've been told I looked as a mentally disturbed person who clapped with his hands from time to time above the table. Here nobody cares about flies.

In something that the locals here in Sabha call a camp we took a shower and shaved since tomorrow we start a couble day long real desert trip. We were also invited to a barty due to tomorrow wedding of the camb manager's brother. With food, Bibsi and music!

Tomorrow Partner stays in civilization because I made 1.000 unpredicted kilometres in Syria, whole of Lebanon was unplanned, and I made more than 1.000 unplanned kilometres in Egypt, and within 20 kilometres I should change the time-belt (for non-experts: it's a cute little thing that, if it breaks, forces you to burry the car in sand – you can't even sell it any more – and hitch-hike to the airport), but the first serious service for this is in Europe. Apart from that we decided to do even more adventurous and interesting journey than it was planned so we'll do it with another car.

So, next news comes in a few days (stay tuned), but till then I added some yesterday's photos to yesterday news, among others Peter's illegal position on the other side of Libyan-Algerian border. Don't you think he looks over-relaxed?