

Maribor – Ljubljana: 99 days, 23.752 kilometres, 1.819 litres of fuel, Slovenia plus 13 other countries, three ferries, three continents, new friends, sun, warm sea, sand, working donkeys, Elissa and Omar Diab, traffic chaos in Damascus and Cairo, kebab on İstanbul street, desert sunrise, half day sandstorm, waiting on Libyan border, incredible archaeological sites, waking up under palm tree branches… the list could keep on until September 28th.

It was gorgeous, it was too short, it was unforgettable. Did you enjoy the photos? Did you look at the pictures of sunny landscape and us, wearing T-shirts, with some jealousy? Would you also like to go there? Wouldn't it be nice to go?
A year and a half ago I also said "I would like to go" and stayed home. One year ago I said "I will go" and now I am already back. My friend and colleague Urša sent me a mail in which she said that everybody "would like to do something" but with that "would" is where everything also ends in most cases. Just make a decision and do it. It can be a journey to Libya, writing a letter you owe since long time ago, quitting your job and finding a new one when "it's somehow ok, but the boss is so horrible…" Just take a deep breath and jump! If you really want something you'll get it – but you have to take some actions also by yourself.

Enough of teaching. I finally managed to reach Ljubljana after 99 days of travelling from Maribor (now imagine that I have to go all the way back to Maribor!), Peter is heading for Brazil in a couple of days (some know how to enjoy their life, don't they?), Sandra and Oliver are somewhere in Sudan on their way to South Africa (they even made an update at, Barbara and Klaus are ready to cross Egypt-Libya border on their journey around the Mediterranean, and I'm counting hours before going back to my beloved Iberian Peninsula… Both Peter and I are missing our warm, flowery and beloved Spain.

Los dos agradecemos el apoyo de los españoles que siguieron nuestro viaje y respiraban con nosotros en momentos difíciles. ¡Muchas gracias por estar con nosotros!

Thanks also to all of you who followed us from Hungary, Italy, France, Germany, Netherlands, Belgium, Poland, Turkey, Egypt, Macedonia, Canada, Sweden, UK, Mexico, US, Syria, Seychelles, Coco Islands, Portugal, Switzerland, Australia, and other countries.

Hvala i hrvatskom društvu na pratnji.

We can hear us also in the Night Program of Radio Slovenija on February 26th at 24 o'clock CET, after that the page will remain open for visiting the diary. As this hopefully wasn't the last desert journey, you can enter the next action within a year or so through as well.

Thanks for being with me and إلى اللقاء عما قريب