

This is one of the slogans Libyan peoples' committee for tourism was using a couple of years ago and it best describes what Peter and I were experiencing during last days. Here we got stuck for so much time, after two hundred metres we got stuck for so many hours etc. This kind of statistics gets boring so we won't bother you with it. I could write that we slept in the middle of white sand dunes, red sand dunes, that we had dinner in the pleasant company of the driver Ebraheem and the guide Hakeem at our campfire, that we made 1.400 kilometres of off-road in six days, that we were admiring 10.000 year old wall paintings, that we enjoyed complete peace and silence in the middle of the desert, that we haven't met a single human being for a few days, that desert lizards and quails let us approach them only a few feet away, that we felt extreme heat (and it's January!), that we climbed dunes that steep that we thought the car would roll-over, that we almost had a swim in salt lakes (the water was still too cold at the end), that we… and so on and on.

And even if I would have actually written all that I wouldn't have come even close to the feelings we had, the beauty we were enjoying, the joy we felt. You simply have to live Libya. Imagine everything you can not imagine and come to Libya. It will enchant you as you'll find a great small piece of unspoilt nature here and live great adventures. Libya is close. While I'm writing these lines on an apple box, a seducing smell of macaroni with camel meat and chick-peas is coming from the fire under the stars, and Ebraheem is offering me a cup of tea…

There are some more news added, dated yesterday, the day before etc. They cronollogically do not correspond to the specified dates. As usual, you can see some more photos at